♥ Thinkin' of u
Its been a week since my last update.Final is coming in 2 weeks time.
But I'm still hanging out with my man everyday and nights =)
By the way i love Katy Perry's Thinking Of You.
friday 14.08.2009
Then we went out for movie - The proposal =)
I purposely dress up myself like the way he did, Grey shirts Black pants.
saturday 15.08.2009
Had a bad mood for the whole weekend b'cos of tat shameless biatch who don't care bout the assignment.
How lucky am I, having my man beside me, cheer me up and help me out to complete the assignment.
After assignment, oioi at my room till 3am in the morning thn baby went home.
sunday 15.08.2009
Had dinner at my house.
After dinner, I ask baby bring me go PM at Kepong.
Cos I want the 珍珠奶茶 badly.
Furthermore I've never been there since last 3 years.
Thank baby. Mmmuaaaaakkkssss!!!
thursday 20.08.2009
The puppy, Kitty like to lick me and touch me. OMG!!!
After dinner we play wit the puzzle and blow cake then go home jo.
It was his jiefu birthday on that day.
I like the cake so muchie...cute yo..
friday 21.08.2009
Had our brunch at MacD.
I miss MacNugget and Fries from there.
Therefore, dardar bring me there.
My last visit to MacD was last2months. Quite long huh!?
After brunch thn singK.
By 6pm thn i naogai wanna go home cos dardar scold me.
I naogai wanna go home and ask him eat dinner on his own.
But thn he fetch me go DPC and buy me donuts.
Cos 2 days ago i tell him i dream bout donut and i wanna eat donut.
I stay in the car refuse to follow him go to buy donut cos naogai-ing.
But at last I no more naogai ald sweet sweet back jo cos I'm having donut.
Abit regret, cos if I no naogai for sure i'm still at OU hunting for my skirt and also bought the pink nail liquor =(
We back home together and dardar had dinner at my house.
After dinner, we watch movie together at my room.
About 4.30 am my dardar went home then I oioi.