♥ Coming up next
more more more and more test and assignment's due date coming soon.- IS assignment
- marketing presentation
- calculus midterm test 2
- marketing midterm test 2
- programming assignment 2
- marketing assignment
i slept quite late recently and a few of my classmates say that
"Karen, go home and have a nap...U look terrible. Ur "eye bag" getting bigger already."
i did have a nap after listen to them and my eye bags become smaller already =Dmaybe its b'cos i slept late yesterday cos i went to someone's wedding dinner at KLANG.
actually i dun feel like going but somehow i made up my mind very last minute and i did attend =)
PHOTO s of yesterday :
i like to smile like this recently, showing my teeth.
i am happy =D
cause mummy bought me this kitty cat.
thanks mummy. ^^
mummy noe i unhappy with mr.Louis,
tats y she bought me this to cheer me up.
mii mii and my cousin sis, Sheryn.