今日心血来潮影佐好多相,post 番壹张比你地看。
现在好挂住老公 。。。
拜六同老公去Service 车,跟住行街街~好嘢!!!
期待星期六即来临 =)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
23 January 2011.
So many friends turning 20 this month.
After Marie, Bonnie is the next =)
Bonnie birth fall on 19th January but we postpone the celebration.
4 of us went 1u to get the Birthday girl pressie and had dinner@Sushi Zanmai yesterday.
We bought her a lingerie from LaSenza. LOL
Hangout at MPH later on after dinner and did something crazy.
Photoss will explain it all.
From BreadStory, got it at very last minute.
Bonnie & Eve. ♥
hangout at the bookstore until it about to close then we fetch Rachel back to Valencia.
Chill at the Garden nearby and talk talk talk for an hour then balik rumah =)
After Marie, Bonnie is the next =)
Bonnie birth fall on 19th January but we postpone the celebration.
4 of us went 1u to get the Birthday girl pressie and had dinner@Sushi Zanmai yesterday.
We bought her a lingerie from LaSenza. LOL
Hangout at MPH later on after dinner and did something crazy.
Photoss will explain it all.
From BreadStory, got it at very last minute.
Bonnie & Eve. ♥
♥ this loads, Me and Rachel.
hangout at the bookstore until it about to close then we fetch Rachel back to Valencia.
Chill at the Garden nearby and talk talk talk for an hour then balik rumah =)
最近洗钱好似唔受控制即水喉锦,有出务入,真可怜 ='(
原归正传,上个拜二,我家 Lily 终于贰拾岁啦。。。
Twenty twenty, no longer a Teenager. =)
我地系 MontKiara 即 Brussels Beer Cafe 食晚餐。
寿星女,Marie AKA Lily =)

D 食物,妮妮即。
我即甜品,好钟意不过士多啤梨好酸 。
食完D嘢,转场去Overtime因为我地唔爽 Brussels 即态度。
连 SkyJuice, Icewater 同 Mineral Water 都分唔清楚。
我同阿雯要 SkyJuice,Lily要 IceWater,怇地竟然抷我地叁樽矿泉水。@.@
D Waitress 话寿星可以获得赠送 Flaming Lamborghini 不过 Lily 唔要。
Lily 唔钟意张扬 =)

De Pastry 即 Blueberry Cheese Cake 好食。
系我同妮妮飞车去买即。 =p

由于我系 Driver, Lily 话我只可以饮 Half Pint.

Starker Aromatic 好饮过 Hoegaarden 多多声,不愧系女仔饮即啤 。
一个字, 正!
我家妮妮酒量真唔惦。。饮佐两口袖 K.O 佐。 =p
影番张相先 =)
K.O 佐即妮妮同埋我。
原归正传,上个拜二,我家 Lily 终于贰拾岁啦。。。
Twenty twenty, no longer a Teenager. =)
我地系 MontKiara 即 Brussels Beer Cafe 食晚餐。
寿星女,Marie AKA Lily =)
D 食物,妮妮即。
我即甜品,好钟意不过士多啤梨好酸 。
食完D嘢,转场去Overtime因为我地唔爽 Brussels 即态度。
连 SkyJuice, Icewater 同 Mineral Water 都分唔清楚。
我同阿雯要 SkyJuice,Lily要 IceWater,怇地竟然抷我地叁樽矿泉水。@.@
D Waitress 话寿星可以获得赠送 Flaming Lamborghini 不过 Lily 唔要。
Lily 唔钟意张扬 =)
De Pastry 即 Blueberry Cheese Cake 好食。
系我同妮妮飞车去买即。 =p
Starker Aromatic 好饮过 Hoegaarden 多多声,不愧系女仔饮即啤 。
一个字, 正!
我家妮妮酒量真唔惦。。饮佐两口袖 K.O 佐。 =p
影番张相先 =)
K.O 佐即妮妮同埋我。
Heart to heart TALK is the BEST.
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