Monday, October 24, 2011

hectic one.

so many assignments to due and test to seat this week.
thought it would be MUCH RELAXING/ RELIEF like attending class 3 days a week??
too NAIVE, ain't happening.

abandon this "HOME" for too long obviously.
Don't even know what to write anymore.

*i got talent in photography LOL*
place the dried flower into a GIANT WINE GLASS few days back.
that's the bouquet of rose BB gave me on our 5th anniversary.
I actually hang those flower outside my house for like 1 maybe.
BB is happy that I finally fix them up =)

that's the recent me.
skin condition getting better compare to last month.
somehow I ruin it by a little cause I can't get rid of my hand's itchiness. 
keep on press-pinch-peel them =(

I must not do it anymore. I want it to get cured by next month.
hope god hears my pray =)