Saturday, September 4, 2010

the Truth.


如果那个东西不是衣服而是一颗钻石那就不同了。 =D

it's been two weeks never been to shopping mall.
how bad. miss shopping time.
i always wanted to shop at a early morning on weekend, catch a movie after lunch and back home for dinner. spent a whole day out with the LOVE ones.
but too bad wake up early in the morning is not a routine for my BB.
BB usually come and find me after dinner which is around 8 or 9. =(
even he did wake up early, he'll not be free cause he have a lot of errant to be done at his hse.

Bonnie, i definitely miss the shopping moment with u leh. =p
it's better for me to shop with her. LOL.
cause i bored my BB out sometimes when i bring him to shopping.

BTW, make up wasted today.
sigh, finish did my make up then something happen so din made it to went out.
SAD. hate this kind of feeling. wasted my foundation, eyeshadow, blusher etc etc.
blah blah blah,, holy CRAP!!!

gonna work my ass out this holiday.
need to earn money as BB and Munnie birthday fall on this month.
this month will be a BROKE month for me.
although i already bought my baby present but still wanted to buy him another present for him on that day. so yea, money money come to me.

GOTTA continue my drama series.
tmr will start doing pre-calculus exercises. =D