Friday, March 4, 2011

this MOMENT ♥

after 6pm on Friday will be my favorite.
it's 8pm right now. done with my dinner. feeling relax now.
currently tuning into Pink - Fuckin' Perfects 
woke up pretty early in the morning even though class starts at 2pm just to wash my car&clean up my room.
roomie is spanking clean again. LUBB IT!!

gonna bring my car for service tomorrow.
hope the wheel will stop giving me irritating noise after servicing.
whoosh whoosh...time for shower again. feeling LAZY..
I hate shower actually and mummy used to call me Dirty Cat.
might go for tea later with BB and his friend.
played with the Fake Lashes just now.

I always prefer applying Fake Lashes compare to Mascara.
I think I'm allergic to Mascara cause I
 will have red eyes after applying mascara even I din rub it.

Weird right??

oppss, just receive text from the BF saying he's coming.
gonna shower like a COW later. MANDI KERBAU konon.
don't worry I shower before I went college so I'm not dirty actually.