♥ Friday
Hang out with hubby's parents for the whole evening last Friday.Busy searching birthday gift for hubby from his parents.
After hubby had chosen his gift then dinner wit dar's family.
Dinner end, me and dardar go 1U.
Cos mummy ask dardar bring me there to buy shoeshoe.
Just in case u dunno from the 3rd week of my semester i wore the torn shoe to college everyday until now.
This is the 15th week jor =)
The shoe i want dun hav my size therefore i still need2chuck my poor feet into that worn out shoe.
Since there's no shoeshoe i sadsad baby buy me pink nail liquor which i said i wanted to get it on lastlast friday but failed to do so cos naogai wit my dar when singK.
Hoho...Finally i get it. Dar pay for it cos he made me angry tat day XD
Oh my baby got me the candy from shokijoya too.
I ♥ it much much u noe, but everytime i went in the store in midvalley, desapark and 1U tat candy oso no stock geh keksei me.
Nahnah show u the pic of the candy.
But when he scan the price RM13.90.
I'm like "I think i get the wrong candy. Last time i buy it it oni cost me RM8.90."
The ppl " This candy geh price raise liao RM5."
Walao the candy giv me eat dao expensive jor.
After gaigai thn dar suggest go movie.
After movie ald 2am litat thn 55 rush home cos tired liao go out for whole day.
And mummy miss me alot XD