♥ Goodbye my LOVE
December 18, today is the very first time i chopped my hair till this short after i couple with mr.Louis.and I went out with mr.Louis family to KLCC this day as well.
Was late that day cause mummy sent my car to spray cat and i need to drive my car back.
Made them wait for me about 45 minutes. so paiseh XD
Uncle so cute one, disturb me say my make up very cacat the eyebrow "zaoyong". Haha...
Inside the car.
See mr.Louis hand geh size,
same with mine one.
not MAN larh u, LOUIS FOONG...
Snap this inside Darby Park Hotel,
After gaigai a while at KLCC then dinner at nando's.
The Lovely couple =P
So "yan oi" one uncle and aunt.
FYI they married 25 years liao.
Me and Louis geh meal.
Luckily we share it.
Inside the Hotel.
Waiting Irene jiejie to pack her clothes and go home.
Reach biebie house lu~
Time to chop my hair off.
Say byebye to my lovely hair.
I have to chop them off,
cause mummy say my hair keep on fall off.
Futhermore she always encourage me to keep it short.
>.< me and my personal hairdresser.
After 2 hour, the floor was covered with my hair.
My new hairstyle.
Say HI to the brand new Karen.
After finish chopping my hair, its already 3am.
Then balik my house and cook supper for mr.Louis then sleep.
Need to go out tomorrow again.